Hello there great Millinery lovers!
I have come under quite some pressure to start a Millinery & Style blog to offer some of my thirty one years experience in the industry.
For those of you who do not know me, I will just briefly introduce myself.
I began my formal Millinery career in 1989, first at the London school of fashion for a couple of months and then moved to study with Rose Cory who at the time was milliner to HRM The Queen Mother and arguably the most experienced milliner in the UK in the 80s and 90s.
I spent about 3 years with Rose, after which I worked with the famous Herbert Johnson Hatters of New Bond street where I joined a team of experts to make hats for several European Royal houses and celebrities around the world.
In 1993, I returned to start John 3v3 in Nigeria where I still work from.
I have enjoyed and still enjoy working as a Milliner and have learnt numerous useful techniques and tips over the years that I am sure will be of value to many aspiring and more experienced Milliners and hopefully make your journey much easier than mine was. 😀
In this blog, I will be touching on several topics from how to know and choose the best Millinery products, to matching them with appropriate clothing, occasions to wear them to, choosing Millinery products that fit you, your pocket and style, how to make different Millinery products and lots more.
You will also have the opportunity to make suggestions of other topics you would like me to write about.
I trust the platform will be of mutual benefit to us.
Here is wishing you a very successful 2020 with lots of great business opportunities.
Best wishes,
Your Milliner & Style Expert
Eme Akenzua
John 3v3 Millinery